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Cavaliers & Pioneers Vol. 2
1666 - 1695
Thanks to Jim Harper, Townville, SC for providing this information
p. 3 PB 6, p.8. Thomas Gouldman, 1,134 acs. 26 Oct. 1666. Transp. of 23 pers: WM. HARPER....
p. 5 PB 6, p. 13. Major John Weire, 1770 acs. Rappa. Co. 24 Oct. 1666. Transp. of 36 pers: RALPH HARPER....
p. 10 PB 6, p. 32. Daniell Selby, 600 acs. Accomack Co., 9 Nov. 1666. Transp. of 12 pers: JNO. HARPER....
p. 14 PB 6, p. 48. James Boughan, 150 acs. Rappa. Co. upon the maine SW of Piscataway Creek, 27 Feb. 1665/66. Beg. by the maine SW &c. to branches deviding this from land of THOMAS HARPER & Robt. Clemonds &c.
p. 14 PB 6, p.49. THO. HARPER & Robt. Clemonds, 700 acs. Rappa Co. upon Piscataway Sw., bet James Boughan & Francis Browne &c. 27 Feb. 1665/6. Transp. of 14 pers.
p. 15 PB 6, p.50. Wm. Lloyd & Jno. Biddle, 4750 acs. Westmoreland Co., 17 Apr. 1667. Transp. of 95 pers: HENRY HARPER....
p. 17 PB 6, p. 59. Edward Bushell, 400 acs. Surry Co., 1 Mar. 1666. Transp. of 8 pers: RALPH HARPER....
p. 18 PB 6, p. 60. Alexr. Murray, 704 acs. Gloster Co., 13 Nov. 1672. Transp. of 14 pers: NICHOLAS HARPER....
p. 22 PB 6, p.77. Major John Weire, 150 acs. Rappa. Co., 2 Oct. 1667. Beg. by a little creek of Occupason Creek upon land surveyed for Richard Coleman & land of Wm. Hall &c. Granted to WM. HARPER, 20 Feb. 1662, deserted &c. & further due for transp. of 3 pers.
p. 26 PB 6, p. 93. John Foxhall, 640 acs. 31 Dec. 1667. Transp. of 13 pers: FRANCIS HARPER....
p. 33 PB 6, p. 120. Peter Smith, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co. 19 Apr. 1668. Transp. of 4 pers: HEN. HARPER...
p. 34 PB 6, p. 124. Jno. Bowen & George Soones, 689 acs. Rappa. Co. 17 Apr. 1668. Transp. of 14 pers: JNO. HARPER....
p. 47 PB 6, p.182. Tho. Chetwood & Jno. Prosser, 5,275 acs., 28 Sept. 1667. Transp. of 106 pers: RALPH HARPER....
p. 48 PB 6, p. 184. George Freshwater, 400 acs. Northampton Co. at Magette Bay, 26 Sept. 1668. Part being the Peyney point betwixt Craddock Creek & Fishermans Creek. The other part adj. Peter Walker, WM. HARPER, the bay & said creeks.
p. 50 PB 6, p. 192. Capt. Jno. Hull, 1200 acs. Rappa. Co., 25 Sept. 1668. Transp. of 24 pers: THO. HARPER...
p. 63 PB 6, p. 251. George Frissell, 150 acs. Northampton Co., bet. the seaboard side & Maggetty Bay, 18 Oct. 1669. Adj. FRANCIS HARPER & land called Drakes.
p. 64 PB 6, p. 252. FRANCIS HARPER, 150 acs. Northampton Co. bet. the seaboard & Maggetty Bay & adj. his own land. 18 Oct. 1669. Transp. of 3 pers: Jno. Johnson, Judith Liest (?), Ellinor Mitchell.
p. 67 PB 6, p. 262. Robt. Howsing, 6000 acs. 21 Oct. 1669. Transp. of 120 pers: SYM. HARPER....
P. 69 PB 6, p. 270. Edward Sanders, 3747 acs. bet. Lancaster & Northumberland Co.s upon Damerons Creek, 14 Dec. 1669. Adj. land sold by JOHN HOPPER to said Sanders......
p. 80 PB 6, p. 313. Daniell Neech, 250 acs. Northampton Co. bet. head of Magetty Bay Pond & the seaboard side, at North bounds of land of FRANCIS HARPER, 5 Oct. 1670.
p. 90 PB 6, p. 347. Tymothy Greene, 445 acs. Northumberland Co., 3 Feb. 1664. Transp. of 9 pers: MARY HARPER.....
p. 91 PB 6, p. 351. Capt. Josias Pickes, 3500 acs. New Kent Co., 7 Apr. 1671. Transp. of 70 pers: RACHELL APPLETON, THO. HARPER....
p. 113 PB 6, p. 418. James Baugham & THOMAS HARPER, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., upon Pascataway Pocoson; 8 Oct. 1672. Beg. at a small island; to the Towne Marsh; through Musketo feild, to the maine SW & another island &c. Transp. of 20 pers.
p. 114 PB 6, p. 420. Alex. Gwyn, 186 1/4 acs. Low. Norf. Co.; 1 Oct. 1672. Transp. of 4 pers: ROBERT HARPER....
p. 115 PB 6, p. 422. Ambrose White, 1300 acs., Northampton Co., 22 Sept. 1671. Transp. of 26 pers: JNO. HARPER, JNO. BONNER, MARY BONNER,....
p. 115 PB 6, p. 423. Capt. Jno. West & Charles Scarbrough, 2500 acs. Northampton Co., 3 Oct. 1672. Transp. of 50 pers: THO. HARPER, ...
p. 116 PB 6, p. 426. Phillip Watkins, 500 acs. New Kent Co. 5 Oct. 1672; Transp. of 10 pers: PETER HARPYER....
p. 121 PB 6, p. 437. CONQUEST WYATT, sonne & heire of EDWARD WYATT, 530 acs. on NW side of Hoccadies (Hoccadayes) Creek; 10 Oct. 1672. Beg. neere WYATTS OLD PLANTATION; adj. Robert Elliott; Mary Kibble; GEORGE HARPER; &c. 480 acs. assigned by Lt. Col. Anthony Elliott, decd to Jon. Snelling, decd, who assigned to Erasmus Withers, who assigned to said EDWARD WYATT; & due said CONQUEST by will; 50 acs. being overplus adj., due for transp. of John Rivers.
p. 121 PB 6, p. 438. GEORGE HARPER, 133 acs. Gloucester Co. bet. the Chescake Indians land & CONQUEST WYATT; 10 Oct. 1672. Transp. of 3 pers.
p. 128 PB 6, p. 461. WM. HARPER, 100 acs. Northampton Co. on the easterne shore; 27 May 1673. Granted to Matthew Wardall, & escheated by inquisition &c. under John Stringer, Depty. Eschr. &c.; now granted &c.
p. 135 PB 6, p. 482. WM. HARPER, 100 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Nov. 1673. Escheat land of Robt. Wardall.
p. 138 PB 6, p. 490. Robert Beverley, 1500 acs. Gloster Co....adj. CONQUEST WYATT, GEO. HARPER.....6 Oct. 1673.
p. 139 PB 6, p. 491. Henry Benson, 1071 acs. Rappa Co......5 Nov. 1673 Transp. of 22 pers: ANTHO. HARPER, SUSAN HARPER...
p. 148 PB 6, p. 516. Geo. Morrise, 3000 acs. Rappa. & New Kent Co., 8 May 1674. Transp. of 60 pers: WM. DENNIS, THO. HARPER...
p. 149 PB 6, p. 518. John Lindsey, 700 acs. Middlesex Co., 10 June 1674. GEORGE HARPER.....
p. 151 PB 6, p. 523. Geo. Gill, 3000 acs. New Kent Co., 21 Sept. 1674. Transp. of 60 pers: SUKE (OR LUKE) HARPER....
p. 168 PB 6, p. 582. ROBT. HARPER, 220 A., 1 R., 24 P., Low. Norf. Co., Lynhaven Par., towards the head & on W. side of Lynhaven River, called the Aisbin Swamp. 9 Oct. 1675. Adj. Renatus Land, &c. Transp. of 5 pers.
p. 173 PB 6, p. 599. Thomas Mercer, 602 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 20 Apr. 1653 Transp. of 8 pers: RICH. HARPER....
p. 214 PB 7, p. 61. James Baughan, 150 acs. Rappa Co. upon the maine SW of Piscatoway Creek, certaine branches dividing this & land of THOMAS HARPER & Robt. Clements, 29 Sept. 1680.
p. 219 PB 7, p. 78. William Overton & Evan Jones, 4600 acs. New Kent Co. 23 Apr. 1681. Transp. of 92 pers: GEO. HARPER....
p. 221 PB 7, p. 89. Georg Spivie, Jr., 400 acs. Up. Par. of Nanzemond; 23 Apr. 1681. Transp. of 8 pers: SAR. HARPER....
p. 241 PB 7, p. 175. Wm. Langley, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 16 Apr. 1653 & due for transp. of 4 pers: ROBERT HARPER...
p. 245 PB 7, p. 191. THOMAS HARPER, 550 acs. Rappa. Co. on branches of Piscataway Creek, 22 Sept. 1682. Beg. at Col. Goodrich, by an Indian Path; a branch deviding this from 1000 acs. granted said HARPER & James Vaughan, decd, &c. Transp. of 11 pers.
p. 246 PB 7, p. 194. THOMAS HARPER, 100 acs. Rappa. Co. on the main Poquoson of Piscataway Creek. 22 Sept. 1682. Beg. at Robert Clements; by James Vaughan; to Mr. Francis Browne; & adj. land of Clements, decd.; &c. Transp. of 3 pers: Nicholas Hagly, Henery Smith & Bess a Negro.
p. 246 PB 7, p. 195. ROBERT HARPER, THE YOUNGER, 220 A., 1 R., 24 P., Low. Norf Co., Linhaven Par., towards head of Linhaven River, on the W. side, called the Ashin SW; 22 Sept. 1682. Beg. at Renatus Lands next uns; &c. Granted ROBERT HARPER, THE ELDER, 9 Oct. 1675; deserted; & now due said ROBERT, HIS SON, for Imp. of 5 pers.
p. 257 PB 7, p. 257. Samuell Blomefield, John Dangerfield, William Mosely, Bryan Ward & William Bendery, 2359 acs., 22 Nov. 1682. Transp. of 47 pers: JO. HARPER....
p. 263 PB 7, p. 286-7. John Price & William Ball, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co. towards head of Piscattaway Creek, 16 Apr. 1683. Beg. at THOMAS HARPER, by a small island, by the maine br.; to Col. Goodrich; by an Indian Path; over the Moyry Br., Transp. of 20 pers.
p. 268 PB 7, p. 326. Col. Richard Johnson, 150 acs. Rappa. Co. on maine SW of Piscattaway Creek, 20 Sept. 1683, adj. THOMAS HARPER...
p. 282 PB 7, p. 406. Joseph Goodrich, Wm. Ball & John Price, 629 acs. Rappa. Co., 21 Oct. 1684. adj. THOMAS HARPER, Col. Hill; the Indian Path; John Jones & Wilsons path &c.
p. 283 PB 7, p. 410. William Ball & John Price, 290 acs. Rappa. Co. 21 Oct. 1684. adj. Francis Brown, THOMAS HARPER, & Nimcock Indian Road.
p. 285 PB 7, p. 427. Robert Smith, 530 acs. Low. Norf Co., Lynhaven Par., on W. side & towards head of Lynhaven River; 21 Oct. 1684. Beg. at cor. formerly Jno. Ladds, now belonging to the orphans of Owen Grady; adj. Col. Lawson, on Bowrins line, ROBERT HARPER; & Francis Land, &c.
p. 317 PB 7, p. 620. Hugh Bawden, 629 acs. in Rappa. Co., 29 Nov. 1665. Beg. at Joseph Goodrich, by THOMAS HARPERS LYNE, on head of Mossy Br.....
p. 348 PB 8, p. 72. George Poole, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 21 apr. 1690. Adj. lands of Wm. Moseley, Poole & Pallett; Smith; & HARPER; crossing the Aishen SW....
p. 353 PB 8, p. 98. Richard Barnard, 1090 acs. Gloster Co. in Petso Par., 23 Oct. 1690. 27 Nov. 1661. Imp. of 4 pers: WM. HARPUR...
p. 356 PB 8, p. 115. Thomas Parker, 37 acs. in Rappa. on S. side the river; adj. WM. HARPER; Lodowick Rowzee; & Wm. Spicer, (now Richd. Mathews), &c. 23 Oct. 1690.
p. 358 PB 8, p. 127. Wm. Brecey, Jr., 720 acs. ....20 Apr. 1684. Imp. of 15 pers: GRACE HARPER....
p. 370 PB 8, p. 198. JOHN HARPER, 1150 acs. Rappa. Co. on S side of Rappa. River, 20 Oct. 1691. Beg. by the maine pocoson of Pescattaway Creek, below a great White Marsh; by the bridge SW; along Col. Edward Hill, to John Price, including 2 small islands, &c. 500 acs. granted to James Boughan & THO. HARPER, 8 Oct. 1672; 600 acs. being overplus; due for imp. of 13 pers.
p. 379 PB 8, p. 249. Thomas Parker, 30 acs. Rappa. Co., S side the river, on a br. of Occupation Creek, 29 Apr. 1693, adj. lands of WM. HARPER; & Robt. Gullock.
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